Paco Quintana

Paco is Master in Oceanology from the Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil, and has a degree in Biological Sciences with a major in Fisheries from the National University Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Perú.

Currently, Paco is a PhD student in Oceanography at the University of Concepción, where he will carry out his research under the guidance of Dr. Cristian Vargas at the Coastal Ecosystems & Global Environmental Change Lab (ECCALab).

His professional experience includes toxic phytoplankton analyses and oceanography analyses at the Peruvian Sea Institute. In addition, he has participated in cruises and research projects, e.g. high-frequency oceanographic monitoring at the “Paita” fixed station for the characterization of the occurrence of coastal El Niño off Peru. He was also part of the scientific team in the “Monitoring of the biological aspects and populations of the scallop”, “Monitoring of biodiversity and human activities in bays and surrounding areas”, and in the “Committee for management of the marine-coastal zone”.

Finally, he has actively participated in scientific dissemination events like the “OPEN DAY” organized by the National Council of Science and Technology, Perú, and also as Editor of the scientific dissemination magazine Carbon Team News Vol. 03 during his stay in Brazil.


Quintana P, Carhuapoma W, Ipanaque J, Miranda J. 2022. Caracterización estacional del sistema de carbonatos en la Isla Foca, región Piura. [Abstract]. 5Th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World. (

Carvalho ACO, Damini BY, Torres-Lasso JC, Garcia LM, Batista M, Quintana P. (Eds.) 2021. CARBON TEAM NEWS, Vol.03,01. LEOC, IO-FURG, Rio Grande, Brasil, 67 pp. ISSN:2675-8636.