Tamara Cuevas – Marine Biologist

Tamara is a Marine Biologist graduated from the University of Concepción (2018). Since the same year, she has been working as a Technician in the Plankton B Laboratory, at the Department of Oceanography, performing fluorometric analysis of chlorophyll and scanning of zooplankton samples as part of the activities involved in the ZEUS Time series, by Dr. Rubén Escribano. In addition, she has participated actively as collaborator in different outreach activities at the Millennium Institute of Oceanography (IMO), such as those associated to the programs, “One Thousand Scientists, One Thousand Classrooms” and “Explora Bio Bio”. At the ECCA Lab, Tamara is in charge of the Micro/Mesocosm Laboratory at the Marine Biology Station in Dichato, where she coordinates and provide support to different experiments carried out there.

In addition, she has different advisory services in scientific academies in different educational establishments in the region, such as the Liceo Técnico Femenino de Concepción, Liceo República del Ecuador de Tomé, and Colegio Pedro de Valdivia de Concepción.